To find out—and get tips for becoming a more compassionate partner—take this quiz, which is adapted from a scale developed by researchers Susan Sprecher and Beverley Fehr.
Please answer the below questions as honestly as possible; there are no right or wrong answers. For the first 15 questions, please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement.
The last five questions are about you, and they'll be used by our research team to better understand how compassionate love relates to factors like age and gender.
When you're done, you'll get your score, learn more about the benefits of compassionate love, and find resources for bringing more compassion into your relationship.
Any responses submitted here will never be shared with any organization outside the Greater Good Science Center under any circumstances, ever. All responses are anonymized and only used in aggregate for evaluation purposes.
Take The Quiz
Adapted from: Sprecher, S. & Fehr, B. (2005). “Compassionate love for close others and humanity.” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 22, 629-651.